Sunday, October 9, 2011

a teaser... although it sounds more like an excuse...

so today . . . i am going to bed instead of finishing my blog.

i started a blog. actually i started two--this is blog number three! but i can hardly keep my eyes open... and i have to get up for work tomorrow. my weekends are not all that restful these days. so i work all week at school, and then all weekend at home. and then it is time to start again...

i'm not complaining. really, i'm not. i'm just tired. so i'm going to bed. i will try to finish today's blog tomorrow, but you will have to look for it to post before this blog, because i am going to give it today's date. but don't look for it until late tomorrow or even tuesday, because i still have to finish writing it.

did i confuse you? sorry about that, but i think my brain has already left the building...

just check back. i would like to say today's blog was going to be a tribute to steve jobs, but that wouldn't exactly be accurate...

1 comment:

Mom said...

Sometimes rest should not be ignored even though things are pushing. Hope your night was restful and today has been productive. Sleep is a gift to be opened often!