Friday, June 4, 2010

this weekend is not my own . . .

so today . . . i blogged early. surprised you, didn't i?

we are having our annual church meetings this weekend, and i am helping out in the sound booth. so i may or may not blog--it all depends on what happens. i anticipate that nothing will happen. i will sit in front of the computer, pressing buttons all day tomorrow, while my brain congeals. so really, don't expect a new blog until monday.

then again, it seems like every time i tell you i am not going to blog for one reason or another, interesting or funny stuff happens and i end up blogging anyway. in fact, i am thinking of enlisting this as a technique during those times when i am running out of blogging material--i'll just say i won't blog for a while, and voila! stuff will happen . . .

sometimes my life is just perverse that way . . .

1 comment:

Light said...

can't wait to see your next blog post!

uh the pressure is on... :)

regardless...hope you had fun at the church thingie.