Saturday, November 21, 2009

sleeping in~

so today . . . i planned to sleep in. i woke up at 6:42. a.m.

i've been kind of sick since the middle of september. i've been to see three different doctors. i've taken five different kinds of medications. i've kept warm. and still i cough. the one thing i haven't done is rest. so that was my plan for the weekend, and rollie decided i should start doing it today. he called me in sick last night, and then said, "tomorrow you are going to sleep."

so i did--at least, i tried.

at 6:42 this morning my brain started humming. i laid there thinking, "go back to sleep, go back to sleep, i wonder what time it is, no, wait, go back to sleep . . . " finally, just to shut my brain up, i looked at the clock.

let me just say that on a normal school day i set my alarm for 7:00 and am not able to pry my eyes open until usually 7:20 at which time i drag myself to the shower, throw myself under the water for 10 minutes, and then race around trying to dry my hair, dress myself, dust my face with makeup, grab something that can be eaten with one hand for breakfast, and fly out the door, hoping against hope that i will beat the time clock. and all the while this is going on, my brain is saying, "just a little bit more sleep . . . "

but today, when i could have slept until noon, my brain woke me up at 6:42 a.m.

determined to take advantage of this sick day, i snapped my eyes shut after their brief glance at the clock. i thought restful thoughts. i counted backwards from 100. i started to go to my happy place, and then i felt a dog start slowly creeping up toward my head. i knew what that meant--it meant that any moment milo was going to start licking my face. still trying to stay in the sleep zone, i decided that my best defense was a good offense, so i grabbed milo with the intent to pull him up next to me and nestle him in beside me, facing away from me but with all four feet in the air, allowing me to mindlessly pet his stomach, which i knew would put him right back to sleep. i'm sure this would have worked.

except it wasn't milo--it was mia. all 35 pounds of her.

it was impossible to nestle her medium sized body next to me in the recliner, and besides, mia wouldn't be caught dead laying on her back with all four feet in the air. however, she would apparently not mind climbing onto my prone body, putting one front paw on each side of my head, and licking me until i woke up. which is what she did when i briefly opened my eyes to see why i couldn't move milo . . .

just keep your eyes closed. she will stop in a minute, and you can go back to sleep. don't open your eyes. don't open your eyes. she's a dog. she can't tell you aren't really asleep . . .

without the encouragement of my open eyes, mia soon decided i was a lost cause and figured out her own way to snuggle in next to me. this sounds cute, but i knew that her real agenda was claiming me as her territory before milo showed his fat little face.

we settled in, and i started drifting off, and then mia woofed. it was a soft woof, but i knew something was about to happen. and sure enough, it wasn't long before milo was in my face. i kept my eyes closed, thinking that maybe he would wiggle in to a spot and we could all go back to sleep. which he did. so i started thinking sleepy thoughts once again and was headed toward unconsciousness . . .

and then one of the neighbors started revving the engine on their car. over and over and over again. mia, ever on alert, jumped up and started barking. so milo jumped up and started barking. and then they started barking at each other. and then the "fight" was on to determine who really owned mommy and the chair and the fuzzy blanket . . .

i got up and headed for the kitchen and some hot water for peppermint tea.

some days the odds are just against me . . .


Mom said...

Put those dogs behind a shut door and not running loose when you are sleeping in the living room!!!!! And 12:48 A.M.!!!Are they keeping you awake now???????????????

Jewelielyn said...

oh shoot! i thought i changed that time, so you wouldn't know how late i was up . . .