Monday, November 16, 2009

a top ten list

so today . . . i was once again reminded of the things we cope with, living here in southern california. and so i offer you my TOP 10 LIST OF CROSSES WE HAVE TO BEAR HERE IN THE SOUTHLAND . . .

#10. year round pedicures--whether you do them yourself or have them done, your toes have to be ready to poke out of the end of sandals all year round. even in december or january we can have sandal worthy weather. there is no time off for pretty toes.
#9. affordable fruit--it may require a trip to the korean grocery store, but we have delicious fruit here all year. in fact, the most delicious strawberries are grown less than a mile from our house!
#8. traffic--yes, there is traffic, but at least the roadways are built to handle it--except during rush hour. and if you use the traffic feature on your gps, you can avoid most of it most of the time.
#7. dearth of colorful fall leaves--most of our trees seem to hang onto their leaves until the new leaves push them off in the spring. and yet there are a few that reward us with beautiful fall foliage.
#6. winter roses--my rose bushes are still flowering and will continue to do so until the gardener prunes them in january.
#5. a governor who is also known as the terminator--at least in his former life. maybe not so much now that he has gone political.
#4. championship sports teams--yes, i think the lakers are the devil's spawn (go blazers!) but as rollie would say, "scoreboard, baby!" so in the interests of family harmony, let's just talk about our beloved angels . . .
#3. food from all over the world within a 20 minute drive--seriously. anything you want to eat, you can get it here--just ask your gps.
#2. disneyland--i don't think this one requires any explanation.

and the #1 cross we have to bear . . .
following doctor's orders about staying out of cool air when you drive a convertible. no wait. i did that. with the top DOWN. and no jacket. in the middle of november!!!!


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