i try to eat in a healthy way. i really do. but i have a lot of years of habitual junk food eating fighting against me. if i have a choice between broccoli and a brownie, i don't even have to think about it--brownie, duh! but if i do take a minute to think about it, i choose the broccoli, because i know it is good for me in so many ways. and while the brownie tastes good, it wreaks havoc with my blood sugar, entices me to eat more, makes me think i can fly and then smashes me onto the sidewalk. plus, it limits my clothing choices.
i make good choices most of the time. i can say no to french fries, white bread, and rice. i can generally talk myself out of most sugary treats (unless it is christmas and i am at my mom's house and she has homemade o'henry bars and i have to eat them fast before diandra and rollie and my brother get them ALL!) usually, if i just stop and take a minute to THINK, i can dodge the sugar bullet.
unless the cheesecake is only $1 . . .
jack in the box has been having a promotion for the last month or so--buy food and get the cheesecake for $1. every time they offer this and i say no, the cashier looks at me like "are you insane!! it is only $1! and it is delicious!! get a piece--you won't even notice the difference in your total. it is almost free!!!!" but i just firmly say no, take my small soda cup and head to the beverage dispenser--away from temptation.
tonight we ate dinner at jack in the box. i was a bit groggy from my late afternoon nap. (yes, i took a nap! it was a long day back at school and i am still not 100% well and i had a headache--see how i am taking care of myself . . . ) i ordered first, headed to the soda pop machine and left rollie at the cash register to order and pay. and then i hear him say these words--"do you want a cheesecake?" and the word "yes" pops out of my mouth!
who is he?? the devil?!?!?!?! he should know better than to offer me cheesecake! am i made of stone?!?! i mean, i only have so much resistance, and i was weak from napping . . .
it's ok, i think. breathe. it is just a piece of cheesecake. and maybe rollie will eat some of it too. yes, that is a great idea. i can have a couple of bites and then he can eat the rest.
and then our food comes, and guess what? rollie ordered a piece too!!
i don't know what is happening here. the earth is tilting slightly off it's axis . . .
as usual, rollie finished eating before i did--everyone always finishes eating before me. i started in on the cheesecake, pointy end first. i took tiny little bites (maybe that is why everyone finishes eating before me) and smooshed them around in my mouth, savoring every taste. i ate about half. and then i ate a couple more bites. and then i said, "this was a bigger piece of cheesecake than i expected. i would have been happy with one half this size." and then i took several more bites. until it was gone.

okay... is it sad that i knew you were talking about jack in the box after the first 2 sentences??? :)
Mom was here..
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