Thursday, December 10, 2009

and the results are in! well, mostly.

so today . . . the saga continues . . .

my ct scan was good, but my lungs still squeak when i breathe (whatever that means!) so a "pulmonary function test" is in my future, and a new inhaler was added to my routine. oh,and i also have to continue irrigating my nasal passages . . .


both the inhaler and sinus cleansing have to be done morning and night. and while neither one takes a huge amount of time, i sort of have to work myself up to the whole "squirting a whole bottle of solution in one nostril so that it can drain out of the other nostril" thing. plus, i have to eat enough breakfast that the antibiotics don't upset my stomach. and, other than the antibiotics, this new routine is going to continue indefinitely . . .

this is why i am staying home another day.

i can see that i am going to have to get up earlier for a while, and i am not happy about this. i am not the most alert, fast-moving person early in the morning. my engine doesn't really get going until about 10:00. so not only am i going to have to get up early enough to get all this extra stuff done, it is going to take me longer to do it at 7:00 in the morning than it does at 10:30.

when i asked the doctor how long this new routine was going to continue, she looked at me blankly. it is never a good thing when your specialist looks at you blankly. it either means she doesn't know what you are talking about, or she doesn't know what else to do. in this case, as it turns out, it meant, "what do you mean how long are you going to have to do this? you are going to have to do it until you stop squeaking. either that, or we are going to have to run a tube down into your lungs and take a look around."

i am not a big fan of having tubes stuck into me so a doctor can "take a look around . . . "

so i guess i will adjust, and hope that my uncooperative body responds well to the prescribed treatments and the squeaking goes away by next month when i see the doctor again. i am already doing the mental gymnastics that it takes to convince myself that water in my nose is no big deal.

but it is. i may have to offer myself a reward . . .

1 comment:

mom said...

Like brownies????