so today . . . diandra is at winter camp with 40 teens! the house seems really quiet, which is odd, because even when she is here i don't see her that much. but somehow i sense that she is gone. and i am missing her . . .
last year when she went up, she had to play in the snow in her tennis shoes and sweatshirt jacket because she didn't have any really warm clothes. but this year she is prepared, thanks to our trip to beaverton at christmas. we both had to get snow boots and waterproof coats before we went, because the weather was so bad up there. i know that she is staying nice and dry and warm in her long puffy coat and boots!

at least i hope so. here is the message i saw on facebook today from her: "
just flew. like literally. 15 feet in the air. and not on purpose..." as her mom, this worried me a bit. so i sent a reply saying, "you had better be OK!" to which she replied. "i'm ok. some of the boys thought it would be funny to push me down a very large hill and i got huge air and slid down without the sled. just got ice burns. but i'm ok."

you see THIS is why i love technology. without cellphones and computers and the internet, we would not have had that bit of communication today. she sent the original message to facebook from her phone, i replied on my laptop to facebook, which sent the message to her phone. then she texted my phone to let me know she was ok. so through the wonders of technology i got to share a little bit in her day without having to be cold and wet and surrounded by teens!
as much as i love some of those kids, let's just say that i am glad to be sitting at home with my computer in my lap and a fire in my fireplace. and ice cream leftovers waiting in my freezer . . .
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