Sunday, March 15, 2009

. . . and could i get a flying car, please . . . ?

so today . . . i was wishing i had a robot.

we went out to eat tonight, and it was kind of cold. i was wearing a pair of skechers (no, not new ones--the gray suede with metallic print, if you must know) so i didn't have on any socks, and my feet got cold. but on the ride home we cranked up the heat and they were nice and toasty warm by the time we pulled into the garage. if only i could have just put them right to bed! but it was COLD in the garage, and i had to clean my car before i went in. i mean, i could have put it off, but i had already done that for the last couple of days and it really needed to be done. or it was going to have to go to the car wash, and i am just too cheap for that. rollie takes it for me every few weeks, but it isn't due to go again for a while. so, you know, bug splats and water spots had to be dealt with.

i did the adult thing and cleaned my car. but while i was whining about it, rollie said i needed a robot to do stuff for me. and i thought, yes i do!

wouldn't that be cool? i guess i want to be jane jetson--just push a button and stuff happens--food appears, garbage gets emptied, floors are cleaned, laundry is folded and put away . . . my utopia! think how much time we would have if we didn't have to do the mundane mindless stuff that we have to do each day . . . and then again the next day . . . and then the day after that . . .

or maybe i could do the mundane things and have a robot to do the hard stuff--trim the dogs' nails, weed the flower beds, clean out the garage, put music on my ipod . . .

so, if you could choose one, which would you choose to have done by a robot--the hard stuff or the mundane? i thought about it, but i can't decide. i just wish the scientists would hurry up and get those robots working!

maybe by the time i am old and decrepit, household robots will be a reality. that would be nice--then diandra won't have to take care of me . . .

until then, maybe i should just get a roomba . . .

1 comment:

Rollie said...

Actually, they just came out with a functional flying car. Check it out: