so the other day i was cruising around myspace as i do sometimes when i have nothing better to do, and i happened upon someone’s page who had a virtual pet. now you all know that i have two very real, very weird dogs that shower me with love and attention and ask very little in return--well ok, i do have to rub mia’s tummy while she is standing up, and milo needs a certain amount of time to lick my face every day (wendy, i know you are going EEWWWW, but that’s how he shows love--i think . . .) so one would think that would be enough for me. but the truth is, i love animals--well maybe not cats so much--but i need to have a pet. when our last dog, taffy died just before christmas a couple of years ago, we decided to wait until summer before even thinking about getting another dog. but the house was so quiet and empty when i came home from school. and as much as rollie loved that dog, it soon became clear to me that he needed another dog even more than i did. so he and diandra went to the pound and in a few days we added mia to our household. milo came to us several months later, but that is another story.
anyway, back to the virtual pets. when diandra was little and handheld electronics were just becoming popular, we bought one for her. we thought it would be fun--you know, she could carry it in her pocket and it would almost be like having a tiny little pet she could take with her. i mean, she didn’t have any siblings to play with when going someplace in the car, or waiting on her parents, so we thought this would keep her occupied during those times. it wasn’t that high tech--the tiny screen wasn’t color and the graphics were pretty basic, but we all thought it would be fun.
well it was fun at first. we were all interested and she seemed to enjoy "feeding" it and playing with it. but as the days progressed, it got less and less attention, and then she put it in a pocket and kind of forgot about it. well, you know what happened--it "died." and no amount of "but it wasn’t real" helped, because it had kind of become real.
our next attempt at virtual pets was a computer program called dogz. this was sooo cute! you adopted these darling little dogs and they cavorted around your computer screen. they would whine and bark and pant. you could "buy" toys and treats for them, and then play with them. you could train them to do tricks. they were in full color and were a lot more real and fun than the handheld version. the problem for us was that at that time we only had one computer in our household which we all had to share, and while diandra and i were in love with the dogz, they drove rollie crazy! you see, even when you were doing something else, the dogz made noises and wanted attention, and he was not a fan! so when we replaced our computer, somehow the dogz never made it onto the new one . . .
and this finally brings me to mookie. as i said, i saw the virtual pets on someone else’s page and thought it was pretty cute, but due to my past experiences with virtual pets, i was a little hesistant--i did not want to end up with a virtual pet who was virtually dead on my page! but i went to the site anyway to find out about them, and guess what? they won’t die! isn’t that great?!?!? and there are several to choose from and you can make them any color you want and name them, and did i mention that THEY WON’T DIE??!!?! plus, they are kind of fun to play with. if you click on the monkey and then click in different places on the tree, he will move around. if you click at the bottom right corner on that box (i can’t remember what it says) you will get a banana that you can put on the screen and he will go get it and eat it. doesn’t that sound like fun? ok, maybe i spend way too much time on here, but i always wanted a pet monkey and now i have one

more tomorrow on my new virtual pet on facebook, and the crazy "gift" system. you will not believe it!
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