Tuesday, March 3, 2009

up close and . . . joshua

so today . . . i'm conflicted. i have a couple of different ideas about what i could write today, and i don't know which way to go . . .

let me just start by saying i am craving brownie bites! this is diandra's fault. she brought them into the house yesterday, generously shared them last night, and now i want more. i looked in the kitchen this morning to see if any were left over, because i woke up thinking "brownie bites?" but they were gone. i thought about them off and on all morning. i finally texted diandra so that i could at least share my pain, and she replied that there were a few brownie bites left, but they were in her room. yeah!!! of course i was still at school, so all i really had was the PROMISE of brownie bites, but that was something . . .

the funniest thing that happened to me today, again, was joshua. first thing this morning, i was sitting at a table with some kids who were coloring, and i was reading some stuff online--ok, i was on facebook. while my ears were tuned in to what was going on around the room, my eyes were focused on the computer screen. and then suddenly there was a face right in front of me--RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME--our noses were actually touching. when i moved back enough to focus on the face, i saw it was joshua and he was just smiling away and he said, "did you see i am here?" i just cracked up!

he always has a story to tell. and when joshua talks to me, he likes to stand right next to me while i am sitting in my chair--this puts our faces at the same height--and he stands really close to me. sometimes he puts his arm around my neck, and sometimes he puts his little hand on the side of my face, and he talks a mile a minute barely stopping to take a breath. today he was telling me about how he had made a raptor noise in the car on the way to school with his mom. and then he demonstrated. let me just say, if i had been driving that car and he had made that noise, we might have been in a ditch (if california had ditches!) it was shrill and it was loud, and he had the facial expression to go with it. so he is standing there telling me this story, and suddenly he moves in, and our noses are touching again. and, again i just laughed. i don't know what it was, but for some reason today he felt the need to keep putting his face right in my face so our noses would touch. and then he would look into my eyes and smile.

those are the moments when i love my job.

and now, i am going in search of those brownie bites . . .


Anonymous said...

ummm...I'm telling your boss you're on Facebook while working! naughty, naughty!

Jes said...

HAHAHAHA, I always have to remind Joshua about space and keeping hands to yourself... but i have to admit i love those moments too! haha

Diandra Ann said...

a child after my own heart :) no space bubble.