Thursday, April 29, 2010

sometimes, you just know . . .

so today . . .  i feel like i am an alien in a foreign land.

yesterday i read a tweet from one of diandra's friends that said she was craving brussel sprouts.  brussel sprouts!!

i'm sorry, but you don't crave vegetables--especially brussel sprouts!  you crave things like brownies or ice cream or lay's bar-be-que potato chips, things that are bad for you but that make you feel good.  and i am pretty sure that brussel sprouts do not fall into that category . . .

i seem to live in the land of vegetable eaters.  my five- and six-year-old school kids will eat cooked spinach--limp, cooked spinach--and broccoli and green beans!  and they like it!!  the first time they served spinach at school, i didn't even know what it was.  i had to look at the menu to identify the vegetable of the day.  and when i saw it was spinach, i thought, "this is crazy!  no one is going to eat this."  but they did.  some even had seconds . . .

then at band rehearsal, i made some sort of dismissive comment about brussel sprouts only to discover that almost everyone else likes brussel sprouts!  and asparagus!!  and i am talking about teenaged boys here.  teenaged boys who eat their vegetables!  even the icky ones! 

it's like i am living in some sort of alternate universe where up is down and black is white and green vegetables are delicious. 

i don't know how this happened to me.  my motto has always been "if it's green, it had better be an m&m."  but even i have learned to like broccoli in the last couple of years . . .

maybe it is the sunshine.  maybe it is the multi-cultural influence.  maybe it is the fear of french fries.  i don't know . . .  all i know is, i do not like brussel sprouts OR asparagus.  i am sure of it! 

even though i have never actually eaten either one . . .

1 comment:

mom said...

You ate green when you lived at home. Not sprouts (I have tried to like them but I just can't)or asparagus but other greens. I have learned to like the tips of asparagus but not the stems. You should try uncooked spinach in salads. Good. Didn't you ever eat Popeye salad at school? That's spinach.