Tuesday, February 3, 2009

. . . sigh . . .

so today . . . i sit here in front of my computer feeling a little gloomy.

since i have started blogging, i find myself reading more blogs. there are some fabulous, awesome ones out there. i love reading what some people write and looking at the pictures that often accompany them. usually i really enjoy it, but today it has left me feeling like my blog is just kind of blah. maybe i need a more exciting and interesting life. maybe i should just make up more exciting and interesting stuff to write! maybe i need to write my blog before i read any others . . .

i don't keep up with every blog i have ever read. if it doesn't tickle my brain in some way, i stop reading it. some blogs aren't very interesting, and some are just too self-indulgent. while a blog tends to be about the life of the person who is writing it, if it is only about "what i did today," then it doesn't resonate with me. somehow it has to pull me in . . . again and again and again.

when i find a blog i like, i kind of feel a connection to the author--even if i don't know them. i am interested in what they have to say and wonder what they will write about next. that is what keeps me checking to see if new blogs have been posted and looking forward to reading them.

that is how my mom feels about my blog. she told me she checks every night before she turns off her computer to see if i have written anything. and if i haven't posted yet, then she checks first thing the next morning. of course, she is my mom and she loves me and is interested in whatever random mundane thing i choose to write about each day. and really, she is the reason i started blogging, so i guess if she is the only one who reads it, then it is still worth my time to write it.

but recently one of the blogs i read regularly ran a contest, and there were over 800 responses! ok, she WAS giving away a fabulous prize, but i think that just encouraged people like me, who read but don't usually comment, to respond. this blogger is a wedding photographer, and i have never seen more beautiful pictures than the ones that come from her camera. but it isn't just the photos--it is also the way she writes. i had the opportunity to meet her while she photographed diandra, and i can say that what she writes seems to accurately reflects who she is--not perfect, but a lot of fun and very entertaining. (btw, the blog is jasminestarblog.com and it is worth checking out!)

so i don't know. maybe it is enough for my blog to keep those of you who know me updated on what i am doing. but i have to admit that there is this tiny little part of me that wants 800 people to read what i have written. if only i could offer a fabulous prize . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, Julie, keep blogging. I check almost everyday....when I go a couple days it is good to catch up. Sometimes you make me laugh, sometimes think, mostly glad that I call you friend and the blogging help fill the time, and distance between.