after school, i walked both dogs, crashed on the stairs for a few minutes, then went to macaroni grill for dinner--the last hurrah before tomorrow's ban on sugar and all things white (except cauliflower.) when we got home, i put on warm flannel pants and a polar fleece shirt (because, i'm sorry, but it is COLD here!!!) and fired up the computer. i've been checking email and reading blogs, but when it came time for me to write, there was nothing in my head.
so i thought i would just copy one of the blogs i had written in the last few years on myspace. there are some cute and funny stories on there. i started reading. and reading. and reading. and i was right--i did write some cute stories for myspace. but you aren't going to get to read any of them today. maybe tomorrow, if nothing interesting happens . . .
here is the awful truth--it's time to do our taxes. rollie does a lot of the work of getting all the information gathered and actually meeting with the tax person. but the information that i gather is burying me this year, and it is taking up way too much space in my brain, which makes it difficult for me to do other things--like write a funny and interesting blog. which is why you are getting this almost boring one today.
but here is the good news. our tax appointment is for thursday, which means that i have to finish this stuff up in the next couple of days whether i want to or not. so by the end of the week, the blogs should be better.
of course by then i will have been without sugar or anything white (except cauliflower) for a few days, so my brain may have other issues . . .
but to quote two of my favorite bloggers, since "every post is better with a picture," here are some pics i snapped with my camera phone (thus the less than fine quality) while walking mia today.
im confused about the everything white thing (you have to give up sugar in the middle of lent??)
it has nothing to do with lent and everything to do with blood sugar spikes. someday i will explain it to you . . .
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