so today . . . you may notice that my blog still looks the same--or nearly the same.
i didn't blog this weekend so that i could spend some time freshening up the look of my blog. i played around with different colors and patterns, but i found that i felt some attachment to the original look. and as i started making changes, i realized that every change was being applied to all 400 previously written blogs! so i had a problem. my solution (according to one website) was to save the "code" of the original blog. then i could always recreate that vintage look. (yes, i said vintage. because if i blog for the next 20 years, these early blogs will be "vintage.") great! i thought. so i saved the code, and then spent a couple of hours playing around with colors and backgrounds and layouts. i found a look i kind of liked and hit the button that said "apply to blog." and then i remembered . . .
at this point, a normal person would probably just say, "oh well," and finish up the renovation. but not me. oh no, not me. my brain needs everything to be perfectly ordered, and if i couldn't document the way my blog has looked for the last year, i was probably going to develop some sort of facial tic. so i raced back to my blog and tried to remember how i had achieved that classic dark blue look.
i finally achieved a look that was pretty close, i think, to what it had been, and hit "print." eleven pages later, i looked at what had printed, only to see black print on white paper. yeah, apparently it only prints the text, not all the creative background and layout. and it took eleven pages, because it didn't just print the blog--it also printed everything in the right-side column. and have you seen how many labels i have used?!?!?
Can we say OCD????
What about trying to do a couple "screen captures" of a few pages that you would like to keep for references. Ones that will show you the layout and colors used. Just remember the screen capture will only capture what is showing on your screen at the time. By doing a screen capture you have the ability to save each one into a folder for better organization. Then you can refer back to them or print them out.
Sorry I don't have more computer knowledge so have no ideas that would be helpful. I'm sure you will figure it out. You have taken on a big project.
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