Wednesday, April 14, 2010

if it doesn't kill you . . .

so today . . . i learned more about pink eye than i ever wanted to know, took a three hour nap, and watched some tv. riveting, i know.

i really thought this pink eye thing would be over in a day or two, especially since i went to the doctor and got magic eye drops. but apparently the magic drops are ineffective for the type of pink eye that i am experiencing. and i am really experiencing it!

i can't go back to school yet, even though the doctor said i wasn't contagious, because our director wants to be SURE i am not contagious. and it is probably a good thing, because i am not sure i can see well enough to drive safely to work. i'll spare you the gory details, but i can't really see well enough to do much of anything . . .

i am thinking someone should be doing some research about how to deal with all of this non-bacterial stuff, because when i am sick, the words i dread hearing the most are, "i think it's viral . . . " that's doctor code for "i know you are sick, but there is pretty much nothing i can do to help you." this is not what i want to hear from my doctor. i want my doctor to say, "yes! i have the perfect treatment for you. you will feel much better in 10 minutes." but that never happens.

i've heard it said that anything that doesn't kill you makes you stronger. that is a nice thought, but i am not convinced it is universally true. the sinus infections haven't killed me. the pneumonia didn't kill me. this pink eye isn't going to kill me. but i'm sure not feeling any stronger . . .

1 comment:

mom said...

I think Doctors say, "It's viral" when they don't know what it is. After 2 or 3 visits, then they give you an antibiotic and then it clears up. That happens a lot. Maybe it's that co-pay!!