i think i am like most people, in that i try to look as good as i can. i take showers. i straighten or curl my hair, depending on the occasion. i use skin care products with antioxidants, plant polyphenols, vitamins a, b, c, and only jennifer flavin stallone knows what else. and if that isn't enough, i buy cute shoes! i am not under the impression that i am traffic-stoppingly beautiful, but i do my best to maximize the ordinary looks God gave me.
and i try not to leave the house looking dorky.
this is much easier when diandra lives in my house. i don't always agree with her opinion of my outfit, but i find that she is usually right. which is always a little surprising for me, because from the time she was 11 or 12 until she was almost 16, all she would wear were jeans and white t-shirts, with an occasional black one thrown in for variety. i tried to get her interested in something with a little more style or color, but she was having none of it! i seriously thought that i was going to have to wait and hope for a granddaughter to share my love of all things sparkly.
i'm not sure just exactly when it happened, but now the girl has more dresses than i do, borrows my jewelry, and always looks beautiful--even when she isn't trying. and she has an amazing sense of style.
as i headed toward the door (and the dog jumping up and dancing about waiting to feel the snap of the leash,) i happened to see myself in the hall mirror. and i came to an abrupt halt. i had apparently purchased a very dorky-looking set of headphones. nonononono, i thought. i am not going out of the house in these!
typically when i walk the dogs, i don't see anyone--certainly not anyone i know! but at that moment in the hallway, it didn't matter, i just knew i wasn't going anywhere in those headphones. so i looked for the temporary ones i've been using that hook over my ears, and headed out the door. as i was trying to adjust them so that the huge earbuds would dangle close enough to my ears that i could hear the music if i turned the volume WAY up, it occurred to me that i had left a perfectly good pair of headphones lying on my kitchen table. and why? because i thought they looked dorky.
"i am vain," i thought. why does it matter if the headphones look dorky if they work for me? why do i care? wouldn't it be better to wear the headphones and be able to actually hear the music? i mean, it isn't like the rest of me is looking all that cool--i am, after all, walking the dogs!
so now i must deal with this newly discovered flaw--as if there aren't already enough! maybe i am more vain than i think . . . remember the sunglasses? maybe i should post a photo of the offending headgear to start me down the path of dealing with my issues. maybe i could overcome my mild vanity and be ok with them after all. i thought it was worth a try . . .
so i retrieved the headphones from the table where they had been flung, put them on, and grabbed the camera.
nope. not happening.
maybe i can rig up some sort of over-the-ear hooks out of pipe cleaners or paper clips to hold those bose earbuds in place . . . i think it is worth a try . . .
HAHAHAHHAA theres nothing wrong with those ones!!! BUT the white does stand out a lot! some people walk around with the headphones that cover the entire ears... it prob means I LOVE my Music and Do not disturb! haha
I have the very same problem! I found some at Walmart (Koss) that have 3 different sizes in the same package. The sound is good, and although not perfect they work much better for me. $24 (I think)
P.S. I wouldn't have left the house with those on either- for fear that Megan would magically drive down the road and I'd have to endure the laughter and "the look" that would follow!
Why not put in the Bose earbuds and then the "earmuff" style over them to hold the Bose in place? Have you tried that? You could always wear a hat over the ugly ones. Maybe you could find someone who could modify the Bose ear pieces. Are you using the smallest ones?? Of course, you are. You must have inherited the "funny" ears from your dad. He has trouble keeping in his hearing aids!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are beautiful inside and out, Babe! Don't sell yourself short. Although, with those headphones... Seriously--headphones are not a fashion accessory. If they give you sound, they are doing their job. But then, I'm a boy. I can't even spell fashun.
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