Wednesday, April 8, 2009

wednesday bonus blog: ALERT!! FOOD TALK AHEAD!

*i know it's wednesday, but i am going to write a quick blog, because i have pictures. of my lunch.

so today . . . i bought my lunch at 7-11. really. i couldn't bring it from home, because the kitchen at school is undergoing some remodeling and they took out the extra refrigerator, so there was nowhere to keep my food until i eat at 1:00. i had to hit the road in search of sustenance . . .

the problem was, i had spent the whole morning thinking brownie thoughts. i'm sure this is partly because no sugar has passed my lips for a little over 2 weeks. things were getting a little out of control in "i want to fit into my pants" land, so rollie and i had been very careful about what we were eating. but that all ended on monday, and i hadn't had any sugar yet, even though i could have a little--thus the brownie thoughts . . .

the very best brownies one can buy come from 7-11! rollie discovered this quite by accident one day, and since then he has made several emergency trips. for me, of course, because rollie doesn't eat brownies--he has self control.

BUT, 7-11 is north of my school, and all the other food places are south. and as i have previously mentioned, i only have half an hour for lunch. so a choice had to be made: brownies or something more healthy for lunch.

i would like to say i chose healthy, but i hadn't had a brownie in over two weeks!! so, of course, i headed north. to 7-11. i was prepared to eat just brownies for lunch, if no other edible food could be found there, but the truth is i was hoping they would at least have hot dogs grilling. i thought i could just eat the hot dog and toss the bun (evil soft, white bread carbs!!) but i was pleasantly surprised to find that they had salads in the refrigerator case--quite good salads, actually!it had crispy lettuce, diced ham and turkey and swiss cheese, and ranch dressing! and i couldn't go to 7-11 without buying a ridiculously large soda! plus, did you know that you can add flavoring automatically to the fountain drinks there? so i added lemon to my coke--yum!

when i got back to school, i opened up the salad and started to mix all the goodies in. then i saw the fork that had been included. it looked like this:it is the tiniest fork i have ever seen! i took it out, unfolded it and snapped the handle into place. (i might add that calling this a fork was a little bit of an exaggeration--it was actually a spork--with a folding handle. the first time i tried to stab the salad, it folded right back up. not exactly a selling point. and the thing is, the diameter of the bowl was big enough for a regular fork, so why . . . ??)

anyway, here was my lunch:looks pretty good, doesn't it? and it's healthy! of course, none of you believe that i went all the way to 7-11 for a SALAD, so here is what my lunch really looked like:i am telling you, those brownies are so good! but i am trying to be an adult and eat healthier, so i mixed up my salad and ate it. and i enjoyed it. and i found that by the time i got done, i didn't really need the brownie anymore. so i put it in my bag and saved it for later. i did eat it, but i felt kind of good about not scarfing it down right away and then eating another one. maybe that two weeks of "sugar detox" did some good after all!

and if you believe that, just stop reading right here, because i am about to disappoint you. because here is what my lunch REALLY looked like:yes, i bought THREE brownies!! there i was at the cash register with my salad and soda and one brownie, and before i knew what was happening, my left hand shot out and grabbed two more brownies and plopped them down, and the cashier added them to my total. and since the clock was ticking on my half hour lunch break, there really wasn't time to correct her error and put the brownies back. so i just took them and ran . . .

but it is true that i didn't eat them right away. in fact, i did only eat one. in fact, i am eating it right now. just one, and then i will stop. so maybe sugar detox DID work . . .


Albert said...

haha. good one. i love the pictures.

Wendy said...

I have no words... I simply can't believe what I just read.

Anonymous said...

REcipe for delicious brownies. Bake a Betty Crocker brownie mix in a 9X9 pan instead of a 13x9 pan and you have a taste of chocolate that never leaves. Makes 9 of the most delicious brownies ever...Try it.....when your kitchen is finished. In the meantime, I hope the 7/11 stores stay in business. By the way, what brand of brownies does the 7/11 sell?????????????Just curious....

Jewelielyn said...

it's called "fresh to go" and it has the 7-11 logo on it. they don't have frosting on them, but they do have big, chunky walnuts on top! mmmmm good!

Anonymous said...

I agree with diandra you always talk about food, you are so lucky you are thin

Anonymous said...

How come there are 2 anonymous people commenting on this blog? I wonder who the other person is. It's not me...............