so today . . . i bought my lunch at 7-11. really. i couldn't bring it from home, because the kitchen at school is undergoing some remodeling and they took out the extra refrigerator, so there was nowhere to keep my food until i eat at 1:00. i had to hit the road in search of sustenance . . .
the problem was, i had spent the whole morning thinking brownie thoughts. i'm sure this is partly because no sugar has passed my lips for a little over 2 weeks. things were getting a little out of control in "i want to fit into my pants" land, so rollie and i had been very careful about what we were eating. but that all ended on monday, and i hadn't had any sugar yet, even though i could have a little--thus the brownie thoughts . . .
the very best brownies one can buy come from 7-11! rollie discovered this quite by accident one day, and since then he has made several emergency trips. for me, of course, because rollie doesn't eat brownies--he has self control.
BUT, 7-11 is north of my school, and all the other food places are south. and as i have previously mentioned, i only have half an hour for lunch. so a choice had to be made: brownies or something more healthy for lunch.
i would like to say i chose healthy, but i hadn't had a brownie in over two weeks!! so, of course, i headed north. to 7-11. i was prepared to eat just brownies for lunch, if no other edible food could be found there, but the truth is i was hoping they would at least have hot dogs grilling. i thought i could just eat the hot dog and toss the bun (evil soft, white bread carbs!!) but i was pleasantly surprised to find that they had salads in the refrigerator case--quite good salads, actually!
when i got back to school, i opened up the salad and started to mix all the goodies in. then i saw the fork that had been included. it looked like this:
anyway, here was my lunch:
and if you believe that, just stop reading right here, because i am about to disappoint you. because here is what my lunch REALLY looked like:
but it is true that i didn't eat them right away. in fact, i did only eat one. in fact, i am eating it right now. just one, and then i will stop. so maybe sugar detox DID work . . .
haha. good one. i love the pictures.
I have no words... I simply can't believe what I just read.
REcipe for delicious brownies. Bake a Betty Crocker brownie mix in a 9X9 pan instead of a 13x9 pan and you have a taste of chocolate that never leaves. Makes 9 of the most delicious brownies ever...Try it.....when your kitchen is finished. In the meantime, I hope the 7/11 stores stay in business. By the way, what brand of brownies does the 7/11 sell?????????????Just curious....
it's called "fresh to go" and it has the 7-11 logo on it. they don't have frosting on them, but they do have big, chunky walnuts on top! mmmmm good!
I agree with diandra you always talk about food, you are so lucky you are thin
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